How to see the Members of a Facebook Group?
Pages and profiles can join and see anything in a Facebook group. The Pages can be managed by some users so they can see all the group’s posts, comments etc.
People on Facebook can only see who are the members of public groups. In private groups, you have to be a member to see who are the group members.
To see the list of group members:
- From your News Feed, click Groups in the left menu and select your group.
- Click Members at the top of the group.

The member list will be updated automatically as people or Pages join and leave the group.
The privacy options for Facebook Groups
There are two privacy options for Facebook groups: public and private.
Admin of a group can set the privacy level of groups and manage whether people can find your group in search.
Features of privacy options for Facebook groups
Public Groups
Who can see what members post, comment and share in the group? – Anyone
Who can see the list of members in the group? – People on Facebook
Who can see who the admins and moderators are? – People on Facebook
Private Groups
Who can see what members post, comment and share in the group? – Current Members
Who can see the list of members in the group? – Current Members
Who can see who the admins and moderators are? – People on Facebook
Keep in Mind:
- Invited members are members of a group who can see the group in preview mode.
- When a Page joins a group there could be several admins of that Page. All of them can see and interact with posts and members of the group.
- If an admin of the group has added a third-party app, the app has access to posts and comments in the group. Third-party apps can’t access who wrote posts and comments unless the app has been given permission by the author.
How to join facebook group on Facebook.
How Do I Join Facebook Group?
To join a group as your Profile or your Page:
- From your News Feed click Groups in the left menu.
- In the search bar at the top, enter some keywords for the group you’re looking for.
- Select the group then click + Join Group below the cover photo.
- Select whether you’d like to join as your profile or your Page and click Join Group.
Depending on the group’s settings, you may have to wait for a group admin to approve your request. Hidden groups won’t appear in search results, and a current member will need to invite you. When you join a group other people may be able to see that you’re a member depending on the group’s privacy option.
For Pages joining groups, keep in mind:
When a Page joins a group, several people may be managing that Page. Depending on their settings, some or all of the people managing the Page can see and interact with posts and members of the group.
Group admins may not allow Pages to join their groups.
Pages can only request to join groups and can’t be invited to join groups. If you’ve already joined a group as a profile and want to join the group as Page, you can change who you’re interacting as.
Only Page admins can request to join a group.
How To Create Facebook Groups
Why You Should Create Facebook Groups
Facebook groups are valuable for any users. Facebook groups can make a huge impact in your online marketing. Businesses who create a group around their brand to build a community around it.
This makes your brand even more valuable to potential customers. Groups also give you a chance to showcase your expertise to your customers and also move them to be your loyalty.
One more important reason why a business should use Facebook groups is getting its own section.
Facebook Pages vs. Groups
Having a Page allows you to run campaigns for your business, get reviews and updates for your blog posts. Users also can message to you directly via your group. It will show up in search engines, and provides valuable information like a map and contact information for your business.
When users post to your Page, it put under the Community tab. When they post in a group, it is showed in the feed. It let users easily to see and engage with.
In groups, users are more frequent interaction and discussions. This is important when you are desiring for users to ask questions or share insights in the group description.
Groups also offer more value where members can get expert opinions and answers quickly.
How to Create a Facebook Group
To create a group, you can start on your personal page.
- Click on Home or Facebook icon
on the top right corner
- Click on Groups
- Click on + Create New Group
- To get started, name your group and then invite some people.
- Next, add people to your group.
- Finally, choose what type of group you want to create. You can choose from the following:
Public groups, where everyone can see all content and members
Private groups, where anyone can see the group and member names, but not the content from the group.
You also have the option to select an icon for your group. This will be the icon next to the group’s name in the Shortcuts area.
If your group is for business, keep in mind, you should make it easy for both existing customers and new users to find you.
Setting Up Your Facebook Group
Once the group is created, you need to finish setting it up. Most of this can be done by editing sections on the right-side of the screen, under the Groups You Manage.
First, scroll down to Setting and begin to Set up Group or Customize Group.
The more important thing in setting up is to add members. You can do it by entering their name or email address in Member Requests, found on the right-side under Admin Tools.
You can also add users for your group by seleting some suitable packages onlline.
How to Add Facebook Group Admins & Moderators
There are two different types of Page officials: moderators and admins.
Moderators have the ability to approve membership, and review posts and comments within the group. They can also pin or unpin posts and view the support inbox.
Admins can do everything moderators can do and more, including adding or removing admins or moderators. They can also change the group’s settings, including privacy settings, tags, and the description.
Facebook groups have always had plenty of potentials that businesses could use to their advantage, and now with the new group features, they’re more effective and powerful than ever before.
Between a Page or a group, you should use both to build awareness and a community around your brand. The group’s exclusivity and more personal interactions will help you do just this.